Cleaning Calendar Printable

Here it is my friends…. a simple cleaning regimen to help you stay on top of your house work without feeling overwhelmed. Just right click on your favorite image and save to your computer. Each image is an 8.5 x 11 so it is perfect to print from your own home. Simplifying is something I have been implementing in my own life lately and this was one of the ways that I found to make that happen. Hopefully, it does the same for some of you!!

Free Cleaing Calendar

Cleaning Calendar2

Cleaning Calender

Cleaning Calendar3


cleaning schedule1

Cleaning Calendar5

Cleaning Calendar6




  1. […] some order.  It outlines a realistic amount of tasks to do daily, weekly and monthly.  It is the Cleaning Calendar created by Kallie with Smitten By.  If a day comes and I do not get to do what is on there, so be […]

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