Guest Post from Jenny Layton over at:
30 Minutes to a Happier, More Organized You!
It wasn’t more than two minutes after the kids left on the first day of school that my phone rang. A good friend was on the line, saying
“Jenny, help! I need to get organized!”
I seem to be running in to conversations like this wherever I go.
The truth is, we all let things slide during the summer months. We sleep in. We go on vacation. When the dishes pile up in the sink, we turn our heads. We pretend that the piles of unread mail will somehow go away on their own. The kids start wearing last year’s underwear because the laundry is so backed up.
It can’t go on like this forever.
Like all good things, the spontaneity of summer must come to an end. And although it might be a little painful to stop flying by the seat of our pants all of the time…in a way, reintroducing some structure into our lives is going to feel good. Really good.
Over the years I have discovered a simple little trick that puts you on the fast track to regaining control and order in your life. Want to know the secret? One word: routines.
Routines Brace yourself; I’m going to throw a little bit of psychology your way. Michael McCullough, a psych professor at the University of Miami, said, “Routines are like mental butlers. Once you have a routine in place, then the mental processes that make the behavior happen take place automatically.”
Translation: Routines free you up from the mental fight about how, when and why you are going to do to the dishes, the laundry, and go through the mail. Instead of bemoaning these tasks every day, you instinctively take action to get them done. The beauty of this? You can focus your mental energy on the things in your life that can really bring you joy and fulfillment.
30-Minute Morning Routine
“Of all the routines that can bring you this kind of freedom, the morning routine is the place to start. The following routine can be completed in as little as 30 minutes, and is designed to give you a good head start on your day. If this works for you, visit
Quick Kitchen Clean– estimated time…10-15 minutes
I personally believe, as Organizer Marla Cilley has taught in her book Sink Reflections, (link to that when getting organized, cleaning your kitchen is the place to start. Don’t get caught up in perfectionism and insist on a deep clean; simply unload the dishwasher, clear the table, load the dishes, and wipe the counters. Cleaning the kitchen first thing in the morning is a simple, concrete way you can show yourself that you are in charge of your life.
Think About Dinner – estimated time…3-5 minutes
I am more likely to prepare healthy, delicious dinners when I have had a good head start earlier in the day. If I wait until 4 or 5:00 to start thinking about it, I find that the dinner ship set sail hours ago! As I do breakfast dishes I consult my menu planner and calculate what I might need to thaw, put in the crockpot, or buy from the store (see for a free menu planner printable, as well as great tips for menu planning.) Plant the dinner seed early in the day, and you’ll be amazed with what you’re able to harvest by dinnertime!
Make your Bed – estimated time…3-5 minutes
In his book The Power of Habit, (link to to ) Charles Duhigg presents some interesting research. Studies show that making your bed is a “keystone habit;” in other words, a simple bed-making routine somehow facilitates a string of other positive behaviors. Statistically, people who regularly make their beds enjoy better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and an improved ability to follow a budget. Making your bed may or may not be the catalyst to producing these other great results, but one thing is certain: it will help you gain a wonderful feeling of control and order in your personal space.
Consult Your Calendar – estimated time…3-5 minutes
Looking over your schedule for the day will allow you to manage your time and organize your tasks. This enables you to form a realistic to-do list. Routinely checking your calendar first thing in the morning is the key to being where you’re supposed to be, when you’re supposed to be there. (This means you will stop missing important appointments!) It also helps you prioritize, so you can focus on the most important action items, and delegate, postpone, or eliminate less significant ones.
Get Ready for the Day
This might stretch the 30-minute routine into a longer one, but it is essential, nonetheless. Face it, none of us ever meant to be the type of woman that wore her pajamas or exercise clothes until noon…or later! Implement the habit of taking a shower, getting dressed, doing your hair and even putting on a little makeup or jewelry, and you will be astounded at how much better you feel about yourself, and how much more organized and productive your day will be!
String together these five tasks into a regular routine, and you will discover that 30 minutes a day puts you well on your way to a happier, more organized you! If you have already discovered the benefit of routine, please comment below. And if you have any other tips about what to include in a good morning routine, please share! We’d love to hear about it.
Sometimes you just need a good product to get you organized (like these that I am giving away for free this week! (link to But then there are other times that you’re ready to dig deep, and really get your life in order. What might surprise you is that big changes in your life actually start in a small way.
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