A thing called LOVE





It’s what has been on my mind.


A quote I say often is- LOVE ALWAYS WINS  but I have yet to explain why I have come to believe this to be true in my own life. The thing is LOVE sometimes feels like you have lost and lost BIG.  It can rip your heart out and leave it exposed to the elements. It can inflict pain like only loving can create. It can hurt in ways you never knew possible when you give it away and it isn’t returned. Love can hurt your heart and leave you feeling powerless.


And then there is the  TRUE POWER of love.


The power that heals the broken heart, brings happiness to others, and creates positive change in the world. When we use LOVE for good we become unstoppable creatures. I believe that nothing changes people like LOVE can. The love we give to others but also the love we give to ourselves has the power to create change that is endless.  I have seen this first hand in my own life as I was recovering from my eating disorder. When I started to truly LOVE myself, the short comings, imperfections and all, my broken self started to heal. When I couldn’t physically make up the difference LOVE filled in the gaps, making me whole again.  I have seen the power of love change others hearts from cold and hard to warm and kind. LOVE knows no boundaries. Love only knows the limitations we ourselves put on it.  Love always wins because EVERYBODY wants to be loved and EVERYBODY  has love to give away. Every single one of us have love within us and that is just another reminder to me that: we are all in this thing called life TOGETHER. Hand in hand.


There are things in this life that I don’t have the answers to . There are things that I don’t understand why God says one thing and the world says another. There are a lot of things that I don’t know  or  understand but the power of  loving people is not one of them.  I just know that when I choose to love instead of judge, shame and belittle my heart is happy and full and I would like to think that is because God is happy with love….lot’s and lot’s of love.


Love is the language we ALL know how to speak and understand and that makes it POWER!


There are 2  AMAZING things about love- One, no one needs permission to feel it and no one requires permission to give it away. It is just there in abundance waiting for us to quit playing small and GIVE IT with our whole heart. The other amazing thing is when we give love with our whole heart, it not only helps others but it has the power to heal and soothe our OWN soul.


LOVE is power and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US hold the power within ourselves. If love heals broken hearts, soothes aching souls, creates positive change in the world and is a language everyone can speak and understand, I am pretty sure it means that LOVE  does and will ALWAYS WIN .


LOVE  is the ANSWER!



