One of my favorite traditions that my husband and I started since we were first married is gifting experiences and vacations for birthdays and holidays. We have given each other Disneyland vacations, Disney Cruises, and more. Now that we have a little one of our own, we are even more excited to carry on the tradition. I’m now always looking for extra fun ways to give the gift of a vacation. If you’ve ever thought if giving a vacation to your kids for Christmas, Get Away Today has compiled some creative ways to make it a surprise.
Here are some of my favorites:
1- Make a treasure hunt throughout your house. At the end, put a scroll in a treasure chest with the announcement that you’re going to Disneyland! (or wherever you’re going). One of our blog contributors put together an amazing tutorial that you can check out. (Link: )
2. Get an easy-to-do puzzle of your child’s favorite Disney Character and write on it with permanent marker with “We’re going to Disneyland!” Take the puzzle apart and have your kids put it together. Or, you could make your own puzzle – we have a tutorial for that, too! (Link: )
3. Wrap your family’s packed luggage and leave it under the tree. When they open it and seem confused, let them in on the surprise.
4. Wrap your vacation documents (tickets, hotel reservations, Character Dining reservations, luggage tags, etc.) in a bunch of separate packages and have your kids open them. This way they’ll get to open a lot of gifts and get the best gift of all – a vacation!
5. If you aren’t traveling immediately (we rarely travel over the holidays, but we will say “Our February trip is our Christmas present this year”), you can make a paper chain countdown with fun things to do until your trip. We have a really cute Disneyland countdown tutorial that you can use if you choose to go this route… (THIS IS GOING TO POST ON OUR BLOG TOMORROW, SO I’LL SEND THE LINK WHEN IT POSTS)
There are of course so many ways to do a vacation surprise and I can’t wait to try them all! I’d love to hear fun ways that you surprised your family with a vacation as well – so feel free to leave a comment! Also, if you need help planning the perfect vacation surprise, call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY or plan at
Kimberly Fidler is the Internet Sales Director at She has worked in the travel industry for 12 years and loves to get away with her husband anytime they can. Their favorite trips include visits to the Disney Parks, San Diego, Arizona, cruising, and anything international.