I sometimes think I come across as serious and boring on the blog because I share all my deep thoughts. I’d like to think I am more light and airy with a few dark clouds. wink. wink. I was challenged on Instagram to share 20 random things about myself and since I hate typing on my phone I thought I would share them here instead. So here are some more pieces to my puzzle. I should add…that thinking of 20 things about myself to share is hard work- I might need a nap later. Ha!
Here goes nothing:
1. I LOVE to read. Before I had little people tugging on me every hour of the day, I would spend my extra time with my nose in a book. I have been that way since I started learning to read. When I was in Kindergarten we got to put an ice cream scoop on our cone for every book we read. Mine went all the way up the wall, across the ceiling and down the other side. The books that suck you in and the next thing you know you read the whole thing in 24 hours are my favorite. What are some books you would recommend?
2. I am a dance party mom. I don’t really like to dance in front of other people but give me some music, my kitchen and my little people and I turn into dance party mom. When my kids are whiney, fighting, or need a break we dance it out. I might also turn my music up and dance in front of the mirror while I get ready. When I feel sad or frustrated I shake it off with a good dance party.
3. I adore the beach. If my husband wasn’t such a country boy (I do love the country also but I have never lived by the beach) I would love to live near a beach. Something about the waves crashing, the sand between my toes, the sunshine on my face, and the fresh sea breeze make the world seem better.
4. I HATE the ocean and lakes. I like to look at them from a boat or the beach but I don’t like to swim in them. The ocean has almost killed me the 3 times I have been in it, so I have made peace with that and stay away. I did however paddle board on the ocean last April. Yes, I have all my clothes on but I had no intentions of getting in the water. I HATE lakes because I am pretty sure the loch-ness monster lives in any lake you can’t see the bottom, and if not HAVE YOU SEEN A CARP? those things are nasty and I prefer not to swim with them. Please and thank you!
5. Holy crap… I HATE to fly on airplanes. I have control issues- you know this about me and a plane is not something I feel in control of. I will fly because I want to travel and experience the world, but I sure like when I am on land and not 40,000 feet in the air.
6. All 3 of my kids have been born naturally. I have no idea what it is like to have an epidural. My labors are super fast and there has never been time to have one. My first contraction hits and 20 minutes later I am holding a baby. After delivery I feel like a million bucks and could run a marathon, or at least I think I could, but I can’t say for sure because I have never ran one for real.
7. My married name rhymes. Kallie Dalley. When I was picking out wedding invitations I asked my mom if we could leave his last name off, because I didn’t want people to laugh at me. ha! When we were first married I made the newspaper because I was Kallie Dalley, who worked at Sally’s and lived in the Gunnison Valley. True story my friends. 10 years later I still say my name and laugh. People tell me it is so cute, but I think they are just being really kind.
8. I love to laugh. I gravitate towards people who make me laugh. Belly laughs or laughing until you cry are my favorite. When I went to Cali with 18 ladies from Smitten I laughed and laughed and my heart was so happy. Laughter is one of the best medicines. I am thankful for those people in my life who make me laugh.
9. I don’t have a lot of friends. I am leary of people and it takes me a minute to get a feel for people, but once you are in YOU ARE IN BABY! When I was young people always thought I was stuck up, but really I am an observer. I observe people and feel out my surroundings for emotional stability. I am working on this and learning to let people help me and show up.
10. Good gravy I LOVE Disneyland. It is still magical to me. I hope I never lose that. Last time I was there 2 of my friends took me into the Disney Animation building and I think we were all in awe. It was amazing doesn’t even do it justice. I wish I would have had more time in there. Really the whole place makes my heart happy.
11. When I was in college my room mates and I used to cause havoc. We loved playing pranks on people. Especially the boys who thought they were really rad. To this day there are still a few pranks I will deny because my life depends on it. I should also add that I never got to do the prank my heart most desired. I wanted to throw a live turkey in someone’s house and let the girls scream and freak out. Ahhhh…I can just imagine it. Funny for me, not so much for them. I NEVER got to do that so I think I am still a kind person
12. My mom used to call me Imelda Marcos when I was a teenager because I had so many shoes. Whenever I went shopping I bought shoes. I had shoes to go with everything. The best was when I would find $5 shoes…I mean how can you pass up $5 dollar shoes? When I was pregnant with my baby girl I cleaned house and got rid of 3 garbage sacks full of shoes. The sad thing is I still have a ton in my closet. I got problems yo.
13. This one is totally random but worth a mention I think. I at the age of 32 and mother of 3 kids can still do the pretzel. I can still get my feet up under my head and paddle my bum like drums. bahahaha. I am laughing so hard that I just typed that out in a post for cyber world to read. None the less it is true and a random Kallie fact.
14. When I was 12 I danced at a Raiders game. I’m pretty sure that makes me famous in some way. I remember being shocked by all the things I saw on that trip but the best part was my family, my aunts family and my grandparents loaded up a 15 seater van and drove to Cali. I remember the movie Beverly Hillbillies had just come out and we wanted to give everyone the California hello. So funny.
15. I live in Utah and I have NEVER been skiing or snow boarding. My friends always went but I never did because I didn’t know how and didn’t want anyone to not have fun because I was on the bunny hills. I did however try to ski down the hill in my backyard once and ended up falling down and being stuck in that position until someone came and helped me get my boots off. I am talented just so you know.
16. I used to have an ETSY shop where I made these felt flower pillows, awesome paper wreaths and these wall arts. And…. then I had 3 kids and life was too busy. I think I am still burned out from all the sewing and creating. My fingers hurt just talking about it.
17. I am socially awkward. I am not the person who will jump up and down when I see you- even if I am really excited to see you. I don’t know how to do small talk. I feel fake when I am doing it. I do way better one on one than I do with a group. I get anxiety with people I don’t know and I become quiet which comes across as stuck up. I say dumb things all the time and then go home and wonder why the heck I said that. Sometimes I wish I could be the life of the party and then again it makes my palms sweat. I had someone tell me once that I am like talking to someone with terets because I randomly think of things and share them. I don’t know if that is awesome or annoying. I am betting annoying because I annoy myself when I do this.
18. I met my husband at the morgue. I love this story because it sounds so morbid but things aren’t always what they seem. (insert evil laugh here) Okay so the truth is his apartment in college was once a morgue and a grocery store, which now is converted into a few apartments. It was nicknamed the morgue even though it no longer is, but it is fun to tell people that is where we met. People’s reactions are priceless.
19. I am the oldest child. I have 1 sister and 3 brothers. I hear that I am the one all my bothers worry about pleasing when they are dating a girl. I don’t know if this is a compliment to me or means I am a meany pants but they tell these poor girls “If Kallie likes you your golden.” Maybe I just have a good sense of character.- I will go with that.
20. I am kinda a germaphobe. I cannot eat cereal unless I have brushed my teeth. Something about a dirty mouth and putting my spoon in it and back into my milk makes me gag just talking about it. I will never be a community drinker. I have my drink, straw, and cup and you have yours., let’s keep it that way. These are my corks and yes, I know I am weird. Aren’t we all?!
And…there you have it. 20 random things about me. I would love to know more about you. If you are up for it leave 3 random things about you in the comments.
I love that you want to live near the beach but you don’t like the ocean. That is like me, I’m so terrified of Tsunami’s and being in one. I guess that is my first random fact. 2nd, I’ve always dreamed of living in Ireland on a farm. 3. I’m addicted to the television and shows, I would rather watch tv instead of reading.
there’s just a few haha.