Dalley Family Motto






For a while now I have been thinking about a family motto. Something to hang on the wall as a powerful reminder of who we are and what we are capable of. I even asked all of you to share the quotes that inspire your soul and there were so many that I wrote down for future reference but none stirred my soul like this one does~




I know when you read it you think ya so?? but let me give you a peek into my heart and brain and maybe it will stir something in you also.


About a year ago I read the book “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown. It forever changed me. It was things I had already learned on my journey and yet it was more- It was permission to show up to my life and in others lives messy, broken and all. It was okay to let myself be seen by others and it was okay to share my story. Brene describes vulnerability as courage not weakness. I think most people hear the word vulnerable and they run for the hills because it means they have to feel something and feeling something seems to mean we are weak.


However on my journey it has come to mean CONNECTION.


When I share my whole self  and my story with others, total strangers even, they don’t proceed to tell me why I am weak they proceed to tell me their story, and share their me too’s. I have learned we leave a little bit of ourselves with each other when we connect in this way. Connection of this magnitude is what changes people. Feeling totally seen changes people. Being vulnerable and feeling with your whole heart will change YOU and allow you to connect with others in a much deeper way.  I have seen it in my own life and it has been a gift. A beautifully wrapped gift.


So on my quest for a family motto this “DARE GREATLY” kept popping into my head but it took me sitting down and writing out what this meant for me to understand why it was speaking to my heart so loudly. Here is what I wrote down:


I once was a girl who lived in fear. Fear of never being enough, of letting anyone ever really see me, masking myself to keep all my secrets hidden. Fear like this caused me to live in a box that was small and dark. There was no room for others or for me to grow, it felt safe there.  So therein my box is where I stayed for a lot of years, until this one day when I found myself daring greatly and my life changed. I don’t ever want my kids to mask who they are. I don’t want them to miss out on the things I did because they feel small. I want them to chase their dreams, but even more than chase them, make them their reality. I want them to dare greatly in all things.


I want them to dare greatly in love~ because love WINS

I want them to dare  greatly in kindness~ because kindness matters

I want them to dare greatly in compassion~ because compassion allows people to be seen.

I want them to dare greatly in being who they are~ because they were born to stand out.

I want them to dare greatly in new things~ because you never know until you try.

I want them to dare greatly in life~ because  life has so many beautiful lessons it can teach you when you live it.

I want them to dare greatly in all the things I feared for myself~because no one should ever live in fear.


DARE GREATLY- a reminder to have enough courage to do something with all of your heart.



What better reminder for me to hang on my wall? For me. For them.



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