Changing Your Focus





I had the BEST conversation today with my good friend Shawna and I hope she is cool that I am sharing. She was feeling super stuck on her weight, the weight she was not losing but felt like she should be, her exercise and how discouraging it felt when her work out times were not what she thought they should be. The voices in her head were raging with their you are not enough, you are ugly and unlovable. So I called that girl up and reminded her of who she is and how amazing she is.

The first thing I told her was YOU CHALLENGE EVERY NEGATIVE THOUGHT YOU HAVE. You question it. You reason it out. Walk yourself though why that thought is a lie and you seek the truth and then replace that negative thought with a truthful one. There is an incredible person in every one of us we just forget when the world gets loud. Nip the negative self talk in the butt and CHANGE YOUR FOCUS to positive affirmations that build you up and help you succeed.

So this next one was pretty brilliant if you ask me but I will let you be the judge. ha!

I told her to go into her exercise and weight loss with no expectations- JUST GO and DO. DON’T step foot on a scale. DON’T set a goal on how much weight you expect to lose. Don’t look at the clock or set a timer or even do a video that you know how long it is. Instead turn on some awesome tunes and dance your heart out, pay attention to how your body feels and when your body says hey I am tired you stop, call it good enough and go about your day. The next day you do the same thing until one day you can dance like a crazy person for a whole hour and when that days comes you start a new adventure like hiking a mountain until you are tired so you stop, breath in your surroundings, and then turn around and go about your day. Small steps in the right direction lead to a fabulous destination. Celebrate your small steps. After each workout write down something your body allowed you to do that day in your workout.
Change the focus from what you can’t do into the things you can. 
Change your focus to how your body feels when it exercises and not how long it exercises. Change your focus from exercising to change your body to exercising to HONOR OUR BODY. Change your focus from how long you are not exercising to the fact that you ARE. Celebrate what your body can do. Focus on being healthy and not on a pant size or a number on the scale.

Our minds are powerful little things and they can hold us captive or they can help us soar and what we get is what we feed it. If you feed it full of negative it will fill you full of negative, but if you feed it full of positives it will feed you positives in return.

We just have to step back and CHANGE what we are focusing on.

*If this speaks to your heart share the love. If someone you know would benefit from this post tag them in the comments. If you have a thought I want to hear. The tribe only gets bigger when we spread the love. xoxo*



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