1. Tell people the good thoughts you have about them without reservation and in the moment. When I was in college, I went on a few dates with a boy named Jim. I don’t remember much about him other than the color of his hair, the type of car he drove, and the […]
Two surefire ways to increase your holiday (and life’s) happiness!
~How to ditch the Goldilocks who lives inside of each of us~
Walk towards the Light….
“Bravery: do what is right, let the consequence follow…”
When I consider my life’s most brave moments, they were not those that would have required public speaking or even working as an attorney during a big, intimidating trial. No, I would say that my life’s bravest moments center around asking God for answers, getting answers, and then acting upon the answers. I was taught […]
Plan B~
I have someone very close to me going through one of the harder trials of her life at this very moment. She and her husband needed a little help in getting pregnant and after an expensive, painful, and humbling in vitro experience, they found out that they were happily expecting twins. About 8 weeks ago […]
Fall down seven times, stand up eight… STRENGTH
“Fall down seven times, stand up eight,” defines STRENGTH, in my eyes. The phrase probably seems too simple? But, I have thought about it and thought about it in preparation for this month’s Smitten By post, and it’s what I keep coming back to. The concept includes the power of faith (because why get […]
New beginnings must include forgiveness…
The most important new beginnings in my life have included people and forgiveness, and usually forgiving the same person many, many times. Sometimes I am sadly forgiving myself for some new and idiotic mistake. But, I also find that my happiness greatly involves forgiving others. Forgiveness has been weighing on my mind lately as I add new […]
Journals! Thanksgiving and prayer…
Since about 1974, my parents have kept up a tradition that I haven’t seen anyone else do, and for which I have come to be very grateful. My mom started a book when I was a year old (yes, you can now easily tell how old I am!) called “The Thanksgiving Book.” Every year she […]