How to Cook a Roast…& a few other things!


I drop my daughter off at the university in four days. Today, in a panicked voice, she exclaimed, “I don’t even know how to cook a roast! How do I cook a roast?!” That started my panicked thinking. What else have I forgotten to teach her? What did I miss? Then I remembered that I […]

Just say NO.


For the better part of my marriage, my husband has been successfully self-employed and I have worked full-time, part-time, and full-time at home. Over the years, our income has been across the board and often unpredictable, from enjoying the security of a nice savings to having no income for nearly a year with baby #3 on the […]

Genetics and My Thighs


This is my Mom. She is 75 years old. I look alot like her. I inherited her smallish, um…top, and her larger, well…bottom. I can’t do anything about either of those without surgery, and I haven’t really cared to anyway.  I also have her freckles, her thick hair, her thin fingers, and her small feet. […]

You’re (NOT) gonna miss this.


  In my 8 short years as a mother, I have recognized how many times on Mother’s Day I hear my fellow moms spout out how much they hate this holiday.  I guess it leaves a bad taste in many women’s mouths to have a day to recognize how they just don’t measure up.  I, […]

Battles I’ve Won and Lost


To start out the month of May, we dug in to the Smitten By archives and wanted to re-post one of our favorite parenting posts to date.   Thanks Carolyn, you are invaluable in our lives!   Sometimes, parenting is war a difficult exercise in strategic operations, and I often feel outgunned as a parent. […]