Perfect To Me.


Perfect To Me Contributing post by: Janel Rykert     My journey as a mother began almost 10 years ago.  That is sometimes hard for me to believe.  As any parent knows each child is different and amazing in their own special and unique way.  Each comes with their own challenges, whether those are physical, […]

I didn’t get the job of “stay-at-home” mom.


It is fairly ironic that I am a “successful” Plaintiff’s personal injury attorney who owns my own firm with my brother. I have been practicing for almost eleven years (and my son is turning twelve this summer.) We have a steady stream of cases coming into our firm—a small miracle as we do not advertise […]

Our Open Adoption


I’m not a size two, and once in a while my girls have crazy hair when we head out the door! I have a pretty nice home, great husband, my two girls, Brielle and Aria, and my sweet son, Gavin, who is almost one! From the outside all looks ” NORMAL”, but it’s actually much […]

I am proud to be a birth mother.


  I woke up this morning with the sound of her laughter in my ears, though I have never heard such sound. Her smile graces my thoughts throughout the day… everyday. The “what if” and “only if” haunt my distracted mind. Questions that may never be answered, linger with every step and decision that I […]

Multiple Multiples


In April, I ran a marathon.  That’s right. 26.2 never ending, oh crap, will this ever be done (?!?!!), miles.  Needless to say, it was a loooooong race.  But I persevered and finished the darn thing.  I had many ups and downs along the way. One minute, I was feeling the runners rush. I felt good and […]

You’re (NOT) gonna miss this.


  In my 8 short years as a mother, I have recognized how many times on Mother’s Day I hear my fellow moms spout out how much they hate this holiday.  I guess it leaves a bad taste in many women’s mouths to have a day to recognize how they just don’t measure up.  I, […]

Motherhood is…In the Heart


Motherhood is……In the Heart Contributing post by Smitten By reader: Angela Keddington     The body takes on new meaning in bringing a child into the world. So does the heart. The womb stretches, as a child grows 9 precious months, sharing life with her that gave life, the child’s own beating heart, and breadth […]

Angel Babies


  “Angel Babies” by Kristy Ralphs       My name is Kristy and I am a wife and mother of ten, who is having the wonderful opportunity to of raising four beautiful children on this earth while waiting eagerly for the day when I get to raise my other six, my angel babies.   […]

$50 Fash-N-Daily Giveaway!


Today’s giveaway comes from Annie over at Fash- N- Daily and she is giving away 2- $25 gift cards to buy anything you are smitten by in her shop! Here is a little snippet at what Fash N Daily is all about- “Fash N Daily offers great fashion accessories at amazing prices. ALL of our on-trend […]

In Vitro Fertilization: My Story Again


Guest contributor Kelly Erickson from Come What May.   Tuesday, January 21 As soon as Eli topped 12 lbs. I got sad thinking about how fast he was growing up. I just love him so much and I realized that I really wanted to have another baby. However, I had vowed to never, ever to […]