

This subject is total taboo to some.  If you’ve never been through it but, have had some one close to you who has been through it then you may or may not understand what this is like.  It’s really hard to be put in this place if you haven’t actually been there.  There’s different reasons […]

The “I” Word (infertility)


The “I” Word Contributing post by: Mandy Ogaz     Infertile. There, I said it.   I said the word that had become a near swear word in our house. It was right up there with the word, “fat” (said with distaste and a very HARD ‘t”). My husband always asked why I said the […]

A story about a little dove


Colum Jacob Pack     Colum was born via C-section on 6/29/10.  I was huge, the Dr said she thought he would weigh about 9 lbs and he was only 6 lbs 11 oz.  Ryan yelled, “He’s bald”, and then somebody said “Nope, he’s just blonde”.  His first 2 pranks he pulled on us were […]

Motherhood and Shoes!


SHOES…In my home there is a door leading from the garage to the laundry room and then into the house.  This space seems to be the catch all for the myriad of shoes that live in this home of mine. There are flip-flops, scuffed high heels, sneakers that have seen better days. There are sizes that range from little girl flower […]

I AM a Mother and GIVEAWAY!


Ask any woman to define herself, and if she has children, she will most likely say,   “I am a mother.”   Why is this?   Motherhood is an identity for many women.  It is more than a role, more than a duty.  It is spun from the depths of a woman’s true heart and […]

Things I Never Thought Motherhood Would Mean


There really are moments that I feel like I am watching someone else’s life.   Especially when it comes to being a mother.   A word… position… idea… responsibility… blessing in life… that I never imagined would mean the things it means today. And a gift that I always imagined would just happen like it does […]

Motherhood: It Really Is About Time


I remember in college, someone asked me what I wanted to do with my degree, what I wanted to “be when I grew up.”  With graduate and doctorate work in my pronounced future, I thought for a minute and answered, “A darn good mom.”  He laughed, and he told me that was the best answer […]

How I became a CONFIDENT Mother!

How to become a Confident Mother

        Just over 5 years ago, I became a mother for the very first time. It was everything and more than I expected. The EVERYTHING was the positive and the MORE was the negative side to motherhood that I had no clue even existed! When I was pregnant with my first daughter, […]

Motherhood~Join the conversation!


God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers. ~Jewish Proverb   My quote goes something like this, “Some days being a mother feels like your slowly being pecked to death!”  Motherhood is a journey.  Some days I am being pecked, and others I stand back in awe at my amazing gifts I have in […]

Battles I’ve Won and Lost


To start out the month of May, we dug in to the Smitten By archives and wanted to re-post one of our favorite parenting posts to date.   Thanks Carolyn, you are invaluable in our lives!   Sometimes, parenting is war a difficult exercise in strategic operations, and I often feel outgunned as a parent. […]