Getting through the LONG summer days!

Simple reward system to get you AND your kids through those long summer days!   I am constantly trying to come up with ways to motivate my kids in doing things they don’t want to do. Now that we are smack dab in the middle of summer and all of our kids are home climbing […]

Why is budgeting important…no…critical?


“I don’t have enough time. I’m too busy. I can’t afford that. I have no money.” blah blah blah, whine whine whine. If you are guilty, like me, of any of these thoughts or comments listen up. There are some universal laws you don’t understand that are perpetuating and recreating your experience of no time […]

There’s ALWAYS room to save a little more…

SAve Money

  I hope you learned something on saving at the grocery store!  It’s funny how once you start cutting down on your budget it kind of becomes a game… So let’s see if we can find a few other areas you can keep those well earned dollars in your checking account.   First, we need […]

Just say NO.


For the better part of my marriage, my husband has been successfully self-employed and I have worked full-time, part-time, and full-time at home. Over the years, our income has been across the board and often unpredictable, from enjoying the security of a nice savings to having no income for nearly a year with baby #3 on the […]

10 Money Saving Vacation Tips!


Every couple of months I get the urge to travel, but now that I havethree little ones at home, it is more important than ever to makeevery penny count on vacation. Here are a few of my favorite tips forgetting the most bang for your buck while traveling with children. 1. Prioritize. Before you go […]

Top 12 ways to save money on Vacation!

12 Ways to Save Money

  Summer is here and that means summer vacation season is in full swing! Travel is my passion. I have been in the travel industry for nearly 12 years and I am always looking for ways to make travel more affordable, because the more I save, the more often I can go! I work for […]

Living Room on a Budget!


  GUEST POST from Lolly Jane We’ve talked a lot about our older sister, Sandee on our blog.  She’s our unpaid manager Today we thought it would be fun to show off her darling living room she created on the cheap.  It really doesn’t take a lot of money to create a cute family room […]

Cut Your Grocery Bill in HALF!!

Grocery Bag

  I love this month’s theme!  No brainer for me really.  I have been a cheap frugal person for quite a while.  Mostly out of necessity, but isn’t that what how most great things are learned?   For the first 13 years of our happy marriage we lived in a 2 bedroom, 1200 sq ft […]

Money Monsters


  When my children were little, they would often call out for me to rush into their room after we had tucked in, said prayers, gotten another drink of water and sung one more song. I would quickly go into their room to hear the words, “Mommy, I think there’s a monster in my closet.” […]

Shabby Apple Giveaway!


Today we have a giveaway from none other then…… Shabby Apple!!!   One of my all time favorite places to shop for dresses!!! They will be giving away a $50 Gift Card so you can purchase whatever you are smitten by and trust me you will be smitten by something over there!   Shabby Apple […]