Make the World Your Classroom!


As back-to-school time rolls around, I can’t help but reflect back on ALL of my life’s learning experiences, including those in and outside the classroom. One of the things that I love the most about travel and why I’ve chosen a profession within the travel industry is because it provides such amazing experiences where we […]

How to Cook a Roast…& a few other things!


I drop my daughter off at the university in four days. Today, in a panicked voice, she exclaimed, “I don’t even know how to cook a roast! How do I cook a roast?!” That started my panicked thinking. What else have I forgotten to teach her? What did I miss? Then I remembered that I […]

“You Don’t Know Squat!”


  “You Don’t Know Squat!” Guest post by reader: Meredith Noble     If I could go back in time and have a cup of coffee, or mochaccino or whatever fancy drink I was into then, with my seventeen-year-old self, I’d say, “You don’t know squat kid!”  As a teenager I thought I knew everything […]

Graduates: Always Wear Sunscreen . . . And


Dear 16-to-18-year Old:   If you have never heard The Sunscreen Song, and you aren’t in the mood to read the novel I am about to write today, watch it!  And amen to all he says. Particularly that these thoughts are no more proven than MY own personal, meandering experience.   When I started college, […]

Life is Beautiful


Guest post by: Jana Lloyd   When I heard that the theme for “Smitten By” this month was “What I Would Have Told My (Fill in the Blank) Self,” I immediately imagined traveling back in time, kind of Marty McFlyish, and sitting down to have a little one-on-one with a slightly awkward, much shyer, teenage […]

You Stink.


If I could go back in time I would tell my darling 18 year old self that she STINKS and then I would explain to her the importance of personal hygiene.   Now, when I say that, you might be picturing an acne ridden, smelly, ratty haired fiend. If you asked my brothers they would […]

3 Things I would tell my Pre-Cancer self

1. FEEL YOUR BOOBS OFTEN Seriously women – you’ve got to feel ‘em up monthly and watch for changes in your breasts especially if you’re under the age of 40 (the recommended age to get a mammogram). Most of my young survivor friends or their husbands/partners felt their lump first. For the past 2 years […]


What I wish I  had known then….the famous last words! Back to School Time is fast approaching and it as lent itself for thinking of days gone past. I clearly remember my first day of Kindergarten. The mix of excitement for the promises made of what it would be like and the fear of leaving […]

What I would tell my “first time mom” self!


It’s amazing what you learn with a little time under your belt!   There is something about experience that sheds a new light on some of your old perceptions & you now fully understand why the saying “listen to your elders” has soooo much meaning behind it. Experience is everything. I am not by worldly standards a […]

What I would tell my 39-week pregnant self…

I had my first little girl when I was 24, so I was pretty young. Not really by Utah standards, but by worldly standards I was a baby. I was absolutely thrilled to be a mother, and as I am 2 months away from delivering another baby girl I have all of those same emotions […]