HOPE Keeps Your THANK Tank Full

Wouldn’t you love to know what’s around the bend? What’s coming? How it’ll all turn out?  More details about your future?  More answers to your questions?  I’m guessing that there was a time in your life that you felt really vulnerable.  Really unsettled.  I’m wondering what conversation you had with yourself in your head and if it was the same conversation you were having with yourself in your heart.



We all travel through heartaches and uncertainty at some point in our journey.  Our mental and emotional fuel tanks get a little low in the midst of working so hard to get to the other side of a struggle.  And sometimes we feel like we are really trying to make sense of it all…at least in our heads.  A common coping strategy is to count our blessings.  Be thankful for what we’ve got.  And try to stay focused on the positive.  OK.  That helps for sure.




Gratitude is at its best when it resides in both the heart and the mind.


When gratitude has a home in both your heart and your mind, you do more than just cope through a struggle…

You HOPE through a struggle!

That is what I’m especially thankful for this Holiday Season…



I’ve driven down roads of heartache myself where I couldn’t see the end of it or even understand why I was travelling on that road.  I’ve felt lost at particular moments in my life.  Lost for directions.  Lost for strength.  Lost for answers.  Just lost.


And I’ve met many others along my path that have been on their own rocky roads…looking to feel safe.  To be found.


But feeling lost can be a very temporary feeling.


HOPE has always been a trusted navigation system for me and my fellow travellers around the darkest bends.


HOPE for a better moment. HOPE for a sense of direction. HOPE for a miracle. HOPE for love. HOPE for possibilities. HOPE for understanding. HOPE for peace.


HOPE puts your spirit in the driver seat of your life to more easily recognize truth.  HOPE allows your spirit to quiet those questions that blow your mind and trust in the answers you’ve been given along the way.  HOPE stills your confusion.  HOPE is an actual balm for your pain.  HOPE whispers belief in your happily ever after.  HOPE promises that the deepest desires in your heart will one day be realized.   HOPE is your rest stop.


HOPE changes everything!  Everything on your journey can be a different experience because of the HOPE you hold in your mind and in your heart to fill your THANK tank with trust.


Trust in a bigger plan.  Trust in God’s power.  Trust in God’s love for you.  Trust that “Every Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright!”


Trust invites gratitude. Gratitude inspires HOPE.  HOPE expands your mind and heart to believe and to give.


I see the power of HOPE everyday in my personal life.  I see the power of HOPE everyday in my professional life.  I am so very thankful for the choice that I have with every smile and with every tear to HOPE in blessings received and to HOPE in blessings coming.  To choose HOPE over despair.  To think HOPE and feel HOPE.  To embrace HOPE and know that I will never have an empty tank on HOPE.


The gravity of HOPE will bring you to your dreamed destination no matter the journey!  Now that’s something to be thankful for!


KYMAH TIP:  Choose a time in your life when you felt thankful because something good or relieving happened to you.  Write it down and post it on your bathroom mirror.  Read through it everyday for a week while you’re brushing your teeth.  Notice how you feel when you’re finished reading it.  Are you thankful?  Are you hopeful?  Honor the truth that you are loved and cared for.

Much love,


Amy Balderree – Life Coach & Energy Therapist

Amy Balderree is a gifted Life Counselor and Energy Therapist, with a B.S. degree in  Psychology and a B.S. in Human and Family Development. Amy has had extensive training in relationships, conscious and subconscious belief systems, stress management, cognitive and behavioral patterns, addictions, a vast variety of individual and family traumas, energy psychology and various energy techniques.  Amy is skilled at working with individuals of all ages, couples, families and businesses.  Amy is a believer  in healing the past, being triumphant amid present challenges, and joyfully moving toward the future!


Amy is smitten by all things happy, finding strength through struggle, and discovering the truth of the story. She loves to uplift and be uplifted! She lives with 3 beautifully unique souls who call her mother, and one devoted soul who calls her wife. Laughter, lyrics sung from the heart, a great movie, palm trees, fortune cookies, beach sunsets, mountain hikes, fast cars, travel adventures, seeing faces of friends whereever they may live in the world, a cozy blanket, and the sun shining on her face are some of her favorite pleasures!


Visit www.kymahconsulting.com to schedule an appointment that will Change. Your. Life!!



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