Spring Clean those Pictures!


        Because I am a photographer, I have a lot of pictures. But, because I am a mom, I have a (digital) ton of pictures. This pile of digital pictures haunts me. I know that one day my children are going to ask for a picture to take to school for a […]

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Carrie Profile Pic

When the weather changes from frigid to warm and the sun begins to warm everything up, I start craving salads.  It must be the fresh ingredients, the tang in the dressings, or the light meals they provide.  Pasta salads are a great way to transition from heavy winter cooking to light spring and summer fare.   […]

CHANGE shines Through!

The R House

The snow is melting and spring is peeking through. The little pointed heads of my bulbs are pointing through the cold, wet winter ground and the sun is shining more on my face. A welcome, welcome change from the gray of winter! I used to hate change, but now I am inspired by it …especially […]

Battle Cry


Today ED (eating disorder) has sounded his Battle Cry. Today ED has declared war on my head, thoughts and voice. Today ED is loud, persistent and incredibly annoying. Today ED might just win this round of the fight. Because today I am tired, oh so tired. Today I don’t want to fight. Today I just […]

I’ve Come A Long Way, Baby


  Confession: Having children has REALLY messed with my perfectionism.   I’ve mentioned before that when I had my first child I had great expectations of a little princess that would always look perfect in public, never have a dirty nose, and sweetly do everything she was told.             That […]

Ask Away- Advice by Smitten

retro circle ask away with question mark - typewriter

      Dear Smitten: There is someone I love who feels like I am not giving them enough. I feel like I am giving all I can and I am just spread thin. I want to remain in their life but if they are not happy with what I can give them and I […]

Mei Tei Baby Carrier- Go Babe Slings


As many of you know I had my 3rd baby a few months ago. I will be honest I feel like I went from 2 kids to 20 for whatever reason. I needed to clone myself or grow some more hands. I felt like everywhere I turned someone needed my attention or help. A few […]



    When I heard the theme for this month was Change, I thought “how appropriate,” as I am currently pregnant with my first child. I have been experiencing some pretty interesting changes over the last few months and I know a million more changes are coming my way. Change in this case is a […]

Las Vegas, Nevada BRAVE Retreat!

Vegas Smitten Retreat

    B.R.A.V.E. stands for : Beautiful…Real…Amazing…Valued…Enough We are BRAVE Women when we look our deepest fears, insecurities, struggles and trials in the eye and say: I am BEAUTIFUL. I am REAL. I am AMAZING. I am VALUED. & I am ENOUGH Come look your fears in the face and realize your full potential!!!  Bring […]

8 Simple Ways to Feel Great Today


  8 Simple Ways to Feel Great Today by Tiffany Rudd For the past 4 years, I’ve been hosting a healthy lifestyles competition called the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. It includes aspects of physical, mental and spiritual health and if participants follow all the guidelines they will feel great at the end of the 8 […]