8 Simple Ways to Feel Great Today

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8 Simple Ways to Feel Great Today

by Tiffany Rudd

For the past 4 years, I’ve been hosting a healthy lifestyles competition called the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. It includes aspects of physical, mental and spiritual health and if participants follow all the guidelines they will feel great at the end of the 8 weeks.

Here’s the problem though…I don’t want to feel great in 8 weeks. I want to feel great TODAY. Right NOW.

I believe we too often wait to feel good “when…”.

I’ll be happy when I lose those last 10 pounds.

I’ll feel great when we have more financial freedom.

I’ll finally enjoy life when {you fill in the blank}.

So, instead of waiting, I made a list of simple things I can do everyday that make me feel great. They aren’t difficult or involved. Each item should take no longer than 10 minutes, but added up they’ve helped me be a happier person. I hope they help you feel great today too.

 1. Make someone else smile. It doesn’t take much time or effort, but I promise that even doing something small to make someone else smile will put a smile on your face too.

2. Savor a cool glass of water. For me, this one is more about taking a minute to refresh than it is about the drink. The fact that drinking more water will make you look and feel better physically too is just an added bonus.

3. Eat one food that is both healthy & delicious. One good decision often leads to another, but you don’t have to be perfect to be heading in the right direction. By just choosing to eat at lease one healthy food each day you can feel good knowing you are nourishing your body.

4. Turn up your favorite song. Dance, sing & let yourself go. This has become a regular occurrence after a rough morning at my house. The kids join in and a few minutes of off-key singing and unpolished dancing is all it takes to press the reset button on our day.

5. List 10 things you love. I’m sure it’s not news to you that focusing on the positive will put you in a better mood. It only takes a few minutes, but writing a quick list of things you love and are grateful for will give you an instant boost.

6. Learn something new. As a stay-at-home mom it can sometimes feel like I’m not growing and progressing. Taking just a few minutes to deliberately learn something new (even if that just means Googling a certain parenting dilemma) gives my brain a much needed jolt.

7. Go outside & breath deeply. Unless you live in the big city, or in Northern Utah during the winter, there isn’t much better for your energy level than a deep breath of fresh air. While you’re out there, take a few minutes to look around and appreciate the beauty of nature.

8. Start & complete a project that takes 10 minutes or less. Clean out your purse, organize one desk drawer, or scrub that sticky spill on the fridge floor. You’ll love the instant endorphins you’ll get from finishing a task. Plus, you’ll really notice a difference after a week or two of doing one of these small projects daily.

You are welcome to print this list for personal use. You can find it {}.

Tiffany Rudd is the creator and host of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. She is the lucky wife of an eyeball doctor and mom to 4 incredible kiddos. You can find out more about her and the challenge at www.feelgreatineight.blogspot.com




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