Well friends, I have to say, I never thought I would be talking about the wonders of baking soda and vinegar on my hair, but here we are.
What is no poo? Do you need bean-o or something?
It actually has nothing to do with my digestive system and everything to do with hair! Basically it’s ditching traditional shampoos and conditioners and using all natural products – most often it is baking soda and vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Shampoos have a way of stripping your hair of natural oils (they are detergents!), clogging your pores and your scalp overcompensates and makes more than enough (sometimes too much) oil. This causes dandruff, dry scalp and all kinds of other problems. It also plays a part into how frizzy, soft, curly your hair might be.
When you decide to go ‘no poo’ your hair will almost always go through an adjustment phase. For years and years and years your hair has been stripped of it’s natural oils. When you decide to stop using this detergent on your hair, your scalp is used to producing an excess of oil, and so don’t be surprised when your hair is super oily at first.
But don’t fret! This is normal and expected. It could last a few days, a few weeks – even a few months. I have dry, coarse, naturally curly hair and my adjustment phase lasted about six weeks. It was hard, at times it made me question whether I should continue this crazy thing, but in the end… SO worth it.
Five reasons you should go no poo:
+ Your hair will feel healthier than EVER.
+ You hair will shine, shine, shine! The natural oils we were born with are better than any oil or serum out there.
+ Your bill for hair products will go down tremendously, as you are only washing once a week, if that!
+ Your hair will grow a bit faster. Remember the clogged pores, thanks to shampoo and conditioner all these years? CLEARED UP after a while of using baking soda/ vinegar. Now your hair can grow at the rate it is supposed to grow without anything blocking it.
+ If you battle frizz you will LOVE this. When it rains, some peoples’ hair turns straight. My hair? It looks like I am walking right out the 1986 high school yearbook. And I live in hot and humid Houston, Texas. To say I battle frizz is an understatement, but this no poo thing has definitely helped me combat the frizz BIG time.
Recipe can be found here. More tips on going no poo coming soon!
Fran is a Writer, Designer, and Inspiration.
Almost three years ago we lost our firstborn child.
It rocked our world to the core, and my faith became something I had to figure out all over again.
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True, shampoos can damage hair. What we are doing is, paying money for damaging our hair in the form of buying shampoos. The baking soda, vinegar was one type of shampoo which helps to the scalp. You can use Soap nuts(Sapindus) for washing your scalp.