I don’t know about you, but I’m busy.
I want to take that ballroom dance class but I work full time and scheduling it in would be a problem.
I would LOVE to go on that girls weekend trip and reconnect with my BFF’s but my kids have soccer on Saturdays.
I would really enjoy taking that ballroom class but it’s on Thursday nights and I can’t miss my TV show.
It would be great to reconnect with my husband and do something new but that would take some planning and I’d have to curl my hair.
I guess I’ll just have to stay unfulfilled, dissatisfied, worn out and otherwise stuck.
OR I could GET OFF MY ‘BUT’ and do something!!!
Now quite honestly, I have a plump round butt with the ‘good birthing hip’s’ (as my mom calls them) to go with it.
Crazy enough, I’ve found that if I want to lose the extra ‘cushiness’ found on my backside – I have to get off my butt and move.
Not just move actually. I have to sweat. I have to put my body into new positions, new movements, new situations to cause that extra ‘muscle at rest’ to get motivated and start shaping itself nicely into the rump I know it can be. I have to act towards my ‘end’ goal (puns totally intended) no matter how it feels because I know the ‘end’ result will help my physical body.
The same applies to learning new things in our lives!
We have to ‘get off our buts’ and do new things so that we can grow, find new fulfillment, regain our self worth and turn into the amazing diva that is waiting to break out and be seen. We have to take action!
Next time you find yourself saying: I would do that BUT….
I want you to physically slap yourself in the BUTT and remember that when shaping our lives, just like our backsides, we have DO SOMETHING that might cause us to adjust, realign and otherwise disrupt ourselves.
Here’s what you do:
- Make an outline of everything you’d like to try, do, become.
- Identify things that may act as possible blocks.
- Outline solutions of getting over those roadblocks and moving forward.
- Create a specific plan to begin implementing your new life opportunity this week and then start DOING IT!
Once you identify the roadblocks and create a solution to get around them, you’re better prepared to move forward and obtain the goals you have set for yourself.
When things come up that might thwart your plans, you may have to adjust a little, then restart pushing towards your dreams. It’s all about moving forward one simple step and a time.
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare.
It is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”
DARE to GET OFF YOUR BUT and create the life you want.
You deserve it.
You CAN have it.
Start today.
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