Strong and Brave

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Guest Post by: Shannon Lucas     My husband and I chose not to find out the sex of our first child; we wanted to be surprised at the birth, as every member of my extended family had been when welcoming a new baby into the world. Throughout the entire pregnancy I was convinced we […]

Being Brave

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By: Melissa Gay 6-21-2013     How does a person (anyone—male, female, adult, teen, child) define being brave?   Well, according to bing dictionary the definition of brave is—having or showing courage: having or showing courage, especially when facing danger, difficulty, or pain AND/OR brave people: those people who are courageous. The definition according to […]

Why I Raise my Children with God


***A couple months ago an article entitled, “Why I raise my children without God” went viral. Of course there was opposing views to such a controversial topic, but overall people thought the author had made some good points. You can read her article here…   I wanted to write a response to this article, not […]

“Bravery: do what is right, let the consequence follow…”

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When I consider my life’s most brave moments, they were not those that would have required public speaking or even working as an attorney during a big, intimidating trial. No, I would say that my life’s bravest moments center around asking God for answers, getting answers, and then acting upon the answers. I was taught […]


Kunidup, San Blas Islands, Panama from

For the last 7 years, our money has had only one goal: infertility treatments and adoption costs.   We’ve held yard sales, opted to rent instead of buy our home, sold off cars and larger household items, started companies and been incredibly blessed by family and friends. Almost all the furniture in our home is […]


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Have you ever woken up and thought; “Today I will be BRAVE!”? Not many of us look at bravery in that light. We believe that the person down the street that is struggling with “that” problem is brave. That the woman who just lost the loved one is brave. We look at others and are […]

Brave enough to be YOU!

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    I have lived most of my life feeling misunderstood, different and a little ‘out there’. You are more likely to see me creating my own path to travel on rather than following the crowd. I have been this way most of my life. In many situations, it has made my life more difficult, […]

FABsmile Giveaway & Review

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    I normally don’t like to do reviews here on Smitten. It’s just not my thang…ya know? I hate reading reviews and feeling like the person is really “trying” to make their review stick. It feels fake and well, I like REAL. I am a member of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network and […]

The Hero Collection

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      Most people collect stamps, silver coins, baseball cards or antique dishes.   I collect heroes.   I know, it sounds kind of strange, but I just can’t help myself. It all started when I read a quote by Warren Buffet. He said,   “Tell me who your heroes are… and I will […]

Be BRAVE Free Printable

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Free Printable. Just click the image above to download.