Motherhood is hard work.


I love being a mom.   But YOU GUYS, it is a pretty hard gig.   I prayed and pleaded and begged heaven for the opportunity of motherhood and even on my very worst day, I wouldn’t trade it. That said, let’s keep it real, shall we? Motherhood is hard work. It ain’t for sissies. […]

False Advertising


For Christmas last year, I did the majority of my shopping online. I had an infant baby and making it out to brick and mortar stores wasn’t really happening, unless I wanted to be like that lady on the news who made headlines for nursing her baby in the aisles of Target. I only had […]

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Deal of the Week- Aviator Sunglasses

avaitor glasses

    The first ever “DEAL OF THE WEEK” I am heading to Hawaii in 10 days. I have been searching for Sunglasses to take with me. I don’t want to spend a lot on them because let’s be honest sunglasses take a beating and you lose them EVERYWHERE. Here is my solution… $5.99+ $2.50 […]

You Matter


  Every day is a new day, a new chance, a new start. A gift if you will. It seems to me there are three types of days. Some days are mediocre, with not much happening in them. They are the types of days that blend together and don’t really stand out. Then there are […]

The Answer

How to find purpose

      “Some believe that it is only GREAT POWER that can hold evil at bay. But that is not what I have found. I have found it is the small things. Everyday deeds, by ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay” – Gandolf   This world is a funny place.   So […]

Bravery in the face of Loss

brave graphic - face of loss

  Over the course of our almost 5 year marriage, the thought of losing my husband devastated me. Even with him sitting beside me, thinking that I could possibly lose him brought me to tears. The mere thought of having to live life without him, having to raise our son without him, having to move […]

If You Feed It, It Will Grow


Love me a good Kevin Costner movie.  And who will ever forget “The Field of Dreams”?  “If you build it, they will come!”  Classic movie, classic line, classic tale!  Well, this tale is a little bit like that.  And a little bit not.   A week ago, I was feeling incredibly low.  I had been […]

Bravery in Reflection

brave graphic - bravery in reflection

  When I look in the mirror, I’m not always happy with what I see. I peer at my bushy eyebrows or my pudgy nose, and examine every blemish that managed to still break through- even though I am long past adolescence. But it’s more than that, I see through to who I am inside […]

In the here and now

blog post

I’ve been thinking a lot lately of how we, as women, handle our emotions. Am I the only one who tends to put the ‘hard-stuff’ on the back burner in my brain, so that I can conserve my emotional energy enough to function? I would guess that a lot of us do that, and when […]