There I sat on the beach, listening to the ocean and staring into a radiant star filled sky. For the first time in a long time I was completely present in this moment. I could feel the sand between my toes. I could feel the wind softly blowing my hair. I could hear my heart beating. I could hear the laughter of my friends swimming in the ocean. I could hear the soft music being played at the outdoor restaurant. I could smell the ocean mixed with the flowers from the trees over head. In this moment I was there. I was aware.
I wasn’t lost in replaying scenes from the past in my head. I wasn’t thinking about things that happened long ago or longing for better things to come in the future. I wasn’t beating myself up with negative self talk. I was just laying there relishing in what it felt like to be totally aware of the things going on around me.
I was there in this moment and it was a beautiful gift.
Since coming home I have reflected on this moment that is frozen in time within my head and etched upon my heart. Thinking about it makes me so very happy and with that happiness also comes some sadness. Sadness because I realize now there are so many days in my life where I am just trying to survive it. If I can just make it until bed time is a thought I have often. There are too many days that my life is a blur and in that blur too many precious moments are missed or looked over because I feel like there is too much to do to be 100% present. Days where snuggling on the couch with my kiddos is tainted by daydreams of better things to come, or to do lists that need checking. I wonder why it is that I can’t just sit, like I did that night on the beach, and soak it all in? Every last detail. Right down to the smell of my kids, their laughter, or their tiny hand holding mine. Or even just listening to them breath because it means that they are alive and in this “real” moment with me. I want to live a life that is full of awareness for the gift that it is. I want to make memories that when I reflect upon them I feel like I am taking a walk back in time because when I made them I was 100% present. I’ve been asking myself how do we stay present in the everyday? The everyday that often times feels like a repeat from the day before. How do we stay present in the things that matter most when the world pulls us in so many directions?
And my answer came in a soft whisper to my heart- Kallie, just stay where your feet are.
Your feet are and will always be in the present.
Your mind will wander down old paths but your feet will always be on the edge of your new path waiting for you to decide where your feet will take you. In this moment you always have a choice in how your life will play out. You can look back and get lost in the things of the past or you can step forward and create YOUR path. Don’t loose your power of choice by letting it pass you by. Life gets crazy and you will find yourself in survival mode, even dreaming of better days to come, or rehashing the old happier days and you’ll find that your present life is passing you by and you weren’t even aware of it, in this moment STOP what you are doing.
Just FIND YOUR FEET & Begin again.
Life is a gift too precious to be wasted on things that cannot be changed, or waiting for the “golden ticket” to arrive so you can finally start living. Live in the present because you are not promised a tomorrow. NOW, is really the only time we have any power. You must stay present because your life depends on it.
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