Your Thanksgiving Miracle





Everybody hears of Christmas miracles and anybody with an aching heart holds out for a Christmas miracle. You know? That kind of miracle that changes everything. It changes your situation. It changes your path. It changes your relationships. And it always changes you.


But what about experiencing a miracle before the Christmas season even starts? What if you could feel the blessings of a miracle right now while you’re waiting?


Close your eyes and think of a time when you had a prayer answered. A time you can remember your heart was smiling with gratitude and you received what you wanted or something even better. Pay attention to what you feel as you recall this blessed memory. Can you see yourself then? Can you smell the air? Can you hear the joyful sounds or the silence of awe? Can you wrap yourself in that moment again?


Okay. Now that you are connected to a good moment in your life, you are feeling some gratitude. Yes, gratitude. It springs hope. And hope springs miracles.


So look at your life right now. If you are reading this, you are experiencing a miracle. You can see! And you can read! Feel gratitude for these things we call “simple”. But they are truly extraordinary! In fact, they are miraculous!


As you notice all the simple things each day, recognize your life is a series of divine miracles. As you give thanks for these blessings, you will for certain see your Thanksgiving miracle. You will feel God’s love. As you hold gratitude in your soul, you will have hope. Hope for more miracles. And you will be changed.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Lots of love,





smittenby contributor

Amy Balderree is a gifted Life Counselor and Energy Therapist, with a B.S. degree in  Psychology and a B.S. in Human and Family Development. Amy has had extensive training in relationships, conscious and subconscious belief systems, stress management, cognitive and behavioral patterns, addictions, a vast variety of individual and family traumas, energy psychology and various energy techniques.  Amy is skilled at working with individuals of all ages, couples, families and businesses.  Amy is a believer  in healing the past, being triumphant amid present challenges, and joyfully moving toward the future!


Amy is smitten by all things happy, finding strength through struggle, and discovering the truth of the story. She loves to uplift and be uplifted! She lives with 3 beautifully unique souls who call her mother, and one devoted soul who calls her wife. Laughter, lyrics sung from the heart, a great movie, palm trees, fortune cookies, beach sunsets, mountain hikes, fast cars, travel adventures, seeing faces of friends whereever they may live in the world, a cozy blanket, and the sun shining on her face are some of her favorite pleasures!

