I think everyone can look back in their life and remember something that someone said that HURT. I would also venture to say that most of us could remember something from junior high school that fits that bill. Junior high was one of the hardest times of my life in growing up. While I was not literally beat up, I was definitely figuratively beat up by a few mean girls. And, I can honestly tell you that I am thankful for those difficult experiences. Around that time period, one girl even spray-painted on our community’s walls, “Brook is a Mormon ___itch.” I assure you that it hurt, but those words were empty and held no real power. The words I remember that did hold power for me came from my mother. She told me, “Do what is right, hold your head high, and move forward.” I did. I had a very real opportunity at a very young age to learn the principle that we cannot control another’s actions or words, but we can control our response. Regardless of what they said to me or about me, I was still required to be charitable and move forward. In moving forward, I was also moving OUT and through the situation instead of staying in a miserable spot. One of the great side benefits of this lesson was in the advice to “hold my head high.” Intrinsic to that advice is the permission that my mother gave me to NOT BELIEVE what they were saying, and to know who I really was as her daughter. Stop and give yourself that same permission RIGHT NOW. I don‘t remember what other things the “mean girls” said during that time period of my life, but I know that they did not stick and had no lasting power over me. I chose instead to give power and meaning to other words. In applying this to your life, it doesn’t mean that the initial verbal assault by someone else won’t hurt, but you don’t have to pick up the words or label that they have given you and carry it with you. Leave it on the floor where it belongs and hold your head high, do what is right, and move on!
Words can STING, but you choose which words have power and meaning in your life!
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