Changing Your Focus


      I had the BEST conversation today with my good friend Shawna and I hope she is cool that I am sharing. She was feeling super stuck on her weight, the weight she was not losing but felt like she should be, her exercise and how discouraging it felt when her work out […]

Dalley Family Motto


          For a while now I have been thinking about a family motto. Something to hang on the wall as a powerful reminder of who we are and what we are capable of. I even asked all of you to share the quotes that inspire your soul and there were so […]

You are YOUR Body- Body Image and Intimacy part 2

body image and intimacy

    I think I have been doing you a disservice by promoting “you are not your body.” and I am sorry.   It really is a lie.   Your body is a part of you whether you want it to be or not.   I have struggled with my body image since I was […]

20 Random Things about ME


I sometimes think I come across as serious and boring on the blog because I share all my deep thoughts. I’d like to think I am more light and airy with a few dark clouds. wink. wink. I was challenged on Instagram to share 20 random things about myself and since I hate typing on […]

Meet THIS Mormon


My name is Kallie and I am a Mormon.   I don’t talk a lot about my religion on the blog, and it’s not because I am embarrassed or ashamed, it is  because I don’t feel like I need to tell you what I believe- I NEED you to see in me what I believe. […]

Your PURPOSE is already within YOU


    I get asked all the time how I found my worth after so many years of wandering around feeling worthless. I have thought a lot about this very thing. What flipped the switch for me? What took me from worrying about what everyone thought about me to loving myself and knowing who I […]