Monthly Grocery/Menu Planning

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I have been working on this very subject for quite some time now. Every morning I wake up with BIG plans to cross off EVERYTHING on my to do list for that day. Problem is, by the time dinner time comes, I am so done for the day that if I could crawl into bed […]

The Boob Job Fund Jar


Several years ago when I was engaged to Brian, (my then boyfriend, now husband) we had made plans to meet for dinner one evening. I had arrived early so I decided to go into a nearby store to kill time where I found this lovely jar on display:     I thought if was funny […]

Getting through the LONG summer days!

Simple reward system to get you AND your kids through those long summer days!   I am constantly trying to come up with ways to motivate my kids in doing things they don’t want to do. Now that we are smack dab in the middle of summer and all of our kids are home climbing […]

How I became a CONFIDENT Mother!

How to become a Confident Mother

        Just over 5 years ago, I became a mother for the very first time. It was everything and more than I expected. The EVERYTHING was the positive and the MORE was the negative side to motherhood that I had no clue even existed! When I was pregnant with my first daughter, […]

$199- HUGE (24×36) Calendar Giveaway!


{WINNER!} And the winner of the $199 “Organize Your Life Calendar” goes to: Tricia Sargent:”Did all 3!!!  Always love getting more organized!” Tricia, Congratulations! Please email us at to claim your prize. If we don’t hear from you by Sunday, a new winner will be drawn Monday, March 12.  Thanks! Tricia Sargent […]