What I wish I had known then….the famous last words! Back to School Time is fast approaching and it as lent itself for thinking of days gone past. I clearly remember my first day of Kindergarten. The mix of excitement for the promises made of what it would be like and the fear of leaving […]
Pamper Or Not To Pamper?

I used to think that “giving it all up” or “going without pampering myself“ for those I loved was a sign of good mothering, good financing, good wife. I scrimped on anything that may have been unnecessary to the family as a whole. My haircuts went from pre-family price of $30.oo to $40.oo to the local […]
Motherhood and Shoes!

SHOES…In my home there is a door leading from the garage to the laundry room and then into the house. This space seems to be the catch all for the myriad of shoes that live in this home of mine. There are flip-flops, scuffed high heels, sneakers that have seen better days. There are sizes that range from little girl flower […]
What A Girl Wants…

What a Girl Wants…when she is young is a Picket Fenced House surrounded by colorful flowers and green rolling hills. She imagines her Prince Charming walking into the front door after her day of enchanted cleaning and aromas of a pre-planned meal seeping into every room and bliss erupts without censor as they meet at […]
The Bottom Line…

March is the season of cleaning, organizing, and creating a new landscape for our lives in hopes of the coming season. It is a rebirth for us! It is the time we declutter our homes by clearing out outgrown clothing while complaining incessantly about growing children or waistlines. It is putting away throw blankets that […]