Six habits that will Improve any Relationship

Strengthen Relationship

    1. Tell people the good thoughts you have about them without reservation and in the moment. When I was in college, I went on a few dates with a boy named Jim. I don’t remember much about him other than the color of his hair, the type of car he drove, and the […]

Bully-Proof, part 1

bully proof 2

    This post has haunted me for some time now. I know the story must be told, and I know the time is now for whatever reason. I share my experience and what I’ve learned from it, hoping it will have some benefit somewhere to someone.     Sixth grade in 1982 in Las […]

The Great BullShit Sorter


So I have this friend….   She is SMART with a capital S. She is as genuine and real as you get. She is successful, a great mom, and if someone leaves a snarky comment here on Smitten she will eat them for lunch. (wink.wink) But really this gal is a pretty awesome package. She […]

Ask Away- Advice by Smitten

retro circle ask away with question mark - typewriter

      Dear Smitten: There is someone I love who feels like I am not giving them enough. I feel like I am giving all I can and I am just spread thin. I want to remain in their life but if they are not happy with what I can give them and I […]