The Imperfect Mom- You are NOT Alone….


I have been sick to my stomach ever since I read this story on the news. I have read the comments and I can feel the hate in people’s hearts towards this mom. My stomach churns knowing she is reading what people are writing about her and what it must be doing to her. Words […]

Motherhood is hard work.


I love being a mom.   But YOU GUYS, it is a pretty hard gig.   I prayed and pleaded and begged heaven for the opportunity of motherhood and even on my very worst day, I wouldn’t trade it. That said, let’s keep it real, shall we? Motherhood is hard work. It ain’t for sissies. […]

Bully-Proof, part 1

bully proof 2

    This post has haunted me for some time now. I know the story must be told, and I know the time is now for whatever reason. I share my experience and what I’ve learned from it, hoping it will have some benefit somewhere to someone.     Sixth grade in 1982 in Las […]

Choosing a Parenting Method

Choosing a parenting method

It’s truly amazing how many different parenting styles there are. When my son was born, it felt like everywhere I looked there was a new (to me) method of parenting being talked about, praised or ridiculed. As a mom, it can feel pretty overwhelming as each parenting type/label seems to proclaim that you are failing if you […]

Ask Away- Advice by Smitten!

retro circle ask away with question mark - typewriter

  Question: Dear Smitten, Just on a little lunch date to the Chick-fil-a and my little girl was playing in the play gym. A few minutes later I look over and some little kid was literally kicking her as hard as he could right in the face over and over again with boots on. I […]

Intentional Parenting- Family Traditions


  Family traditions are a huge part of building a happy family. Sometimes, we strategically plan them and other times, they just fall into our laps… or pie crusts.   A few years ago, I volunteered us to make an apple pie for Thanksgiving. And then I decided that we should make it from scratch! […]