You are YOUR Body- Body Image and Intimacy part 2

body image and intimacy

    I think I have been doing you a disservice by promoting “you are not your body.” and I am sorry.   It really is a lie.   Your body is a part of you whether you want it to be or not.   I have struggled with my body image since I was […]

Body Image & Intimacy in Marriage- My truths. My story.

Body Image

There we sat in therapy talking about sex… and…. our marriage…. and…. me…. and my crazy way of thinking when it came to my body.   ” I love her just the way she is. I think she is beautiful.” he said   To which I quickly retorted “He has to say that, he is my […]

Celebrating the Success of Others!

celebrate the success of others

How do you celebrate the Success of Others, when all you feel is anger, jealousy and resentment?   This is something that has been on my mind and heavy on my heart for the last few weeks. I am hoping I can explain all my feelings without sounding petty while I am doing it.  Wish […]

10 Ways to develop Body LOVE…

Body Love

  I sat there in silence with tears streaming down my cheeks trying to answer the question I was just asked-   “Kallie, I want you to tell me one thing you like about your body. “   There were no words as I quickly sorted through my thoughts, trying to come up with an […]

Ways to Promote Positive Body Image

Promoting positive Body Image

    This is still a topic that is hard for me to talk about because I still haven’t managed to make total peace with the image staring back at me in the mirror. I still, try as I might, engage in some of the things I am going to talk about in this post. […]

The Perfectionist Who Failed.

brave graphic - perfectionist who failed

    I am a perfectionist so when I was slapped in the face with the reality of life, I put on what I thought at that time was a brave face but I crumbled inside during the process. From a young age I learned how to protect myself from being hurt emotionally. I learned […]

Weight loss never promised peace: Exercise without expectations


Guest Post from C. Jane Kendrick- Healthy Expectations     Every morning I do the same thing. I wake up, put on my walking shoes and head toward the mountains behind my house. There are paths with views that could inspire the most skeptical mind. Some people have rolling oceans or busy cityscapes as the […]

Eating Disorder Part 8- You Choose


Eating Disorder Part 8- You Choose   As therapy went on I learned a lot about what the words eating disorder encompass. Most people {myself included} think of anorexia or bulimia when we hear the words eating disorder but really eating disorders can be characterized by eating patterns that disrupt a person’s mental, physical, and […]

Eating Disorder- Lost in Someone else’s Body.


Eating Disorder Part 4-  Lost in Someone else’s body     I have never been one to have a lot of friends- especially of the girl variety. I was never comfortable around a big group of girls. I had my few gems and I called it good. It worked for me. It was comfortable. So, […]

Genetics and My Thighs


This is my Mom. She is 75 years old. I look alot like her. I inherited her smallish, um…top, and her larger, well…bottom. I can’t do anything about either of those without surgery, and I haven’t really cared to anyway.  I also have her freckles, her thick hair, her thin fingers, and her small feet. […]