Changing Your Focus


      I had the BEST conversation today with my good friend Shawna and I hope she is cool that I am sharing. She was feeling super stuck on her weight, the weight she was not losing but felt like she should be, her exercise and how discouraging it felt when her work out […]

You are YOUR Body- Body Image and Intimacy part 2

body image and intimacy

    I think I have been doing you a disservice by promoting “you are not your body.” and I am sorry.   It really is a lie.   Your body is a part of you whether you want it to be or not.   I have struggled with my body image since I was […]

How I choose LOVE in the face of Tragedy-


Yesterday’s post went viral and with that comes the good, the bad and the UGLY. There were the me too comments, the heartfelt comments, and the comments that asked “how I could ever feel okay about what happened?” and those are the comments I want to address.   If there is one thing I have […]

Refuse to Sink- Our Sacred


    I saw this quote the other day on a post my cousin Gina wrote on her blog Birth Mother Baskets. For some reason it spoke not quietly to my heart, but shouted to the deepest part of it. I’d like to share why those words had a power over me and awakened my […]

If I had a Magic Wand- The Power of Words Series

I sit, motionless, still reeling from the words I had just heard. The words ache in my ears. The tears don’t come just yet, but they are beginning to burn fiercely as they well up. Then, like a flood gate they flow, almost unending for days on end… The words, you ask? Confirmation. Science in […]

STOP the ABUSE- My Messy Beautiful

Stop the abuse

For a long time I was convinced that God sent me here broken and messy. I just thought it was my cross to carry, my burden to bear.  As time went on the more angry I became with the mess that was me.  Angry that I was different. Angry that life was hard. Angry that […]

Why the HELL NOT?!

why the hell not

Each year I pick a motto to help me get through life. Last years was “it is what it is” and served me well.  When life gave me it’s mountains, I looked at life and said “it is what it is”, put on my hiking boots and got climbing. When something happened that was discouraging […]

Body Image & Intimacy in Marriage- My truths. My story.

Body Image

There we sat in therapy talking about sex… and…. our marriage…. and…. me…. and my crazy way of thinking when it came to my body.   ” I love her just the way she is. I think she is beautiful.” he said   To which I quickly retorted “He has to say that, he is my […]

Love Yourself There!


February is LOVE month, right?  Whether it is romantic love, friendship love, familial love, we celebrate LOVE!  We give Valentine’s Gifts and notes of appreciation and do heart attacks on people’s doors.  We create Valentine’s Boxes for school and a Love Note jar for home. We make pillows and banners and cookies and candies. L-O-V-E […]

8 Ways to focus on Healthy not Skinny


Guest Post from Tiffany Rudd over at I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we often judge health in our society strictly based on size and weight. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to get personal here for a minute to prove that it just isn’t true. 13 years ago, as a […]