Kunidup, San Blas Islands, Panama from therhouse.com

For the last 7 years, our money has had only one goal: infertility treatments and adoption costs.   We’ve held yard sales, opted to rent instead of buy our home, sold off cars and larger household items, started companies and been incredibly blessed by family and friends. Almost all the furniture in our home is […]

What inspires you?


My husband and I suffer from infertility.   We were diagnosed in 2006. It was rough, brutal even. We walked out of the doctor’s office feeling defeated. We held onto each other in the parking lot and wept. We drove home feeling empty. We sat on the couch and cried and held each other some […]

Adoption Part 6


If you guessed that I slept Monday night in a silent slumber because of the previous days events, you would be wrong.  I tossed and turned all night, my head swimming with possibilities*some good* some bad*. Even if my body relaxed and fell into some sort of sleep, my mind didn’t and this makes for […]

Adoption Part 5


Monday I woke up frustrated.  I just wanted to know if Handsome would be coming to begin a life with us or not.  I had started to get attached and I didn’t want to do that unless it was a sure thing.  My hat goes off to people that play this game all the time.  […]

Motherly Attributes of the Heart


Motherhood.   It did not come easily to me. We battled infertility (infertility won) and then adoption won our hearts over. And over. And over.   Motherhood is not a sole pursuit in my world. It’s a title that I share with the three women who were mothers to my sons first.   My motherhood […]

Adoption Part 4


Sunday     I woke up anxious to get to the end of the day when we would meet Handsome.  Once again, I was very thankful to be watching General Conference and feeling the spirit of the day.  I look forward to General Conference every six months so I can veg in my PJ’s, watch church […]

Adoption Part 3


SATURDAY was a waiting game. Luckily it was General Conference and it helped distract me.  My emotional self was so raw after fasting the day before and the adoption was forefront in my brain. I vacillated back and forth between letting myself get excited and keeping up walls of protection.   I have had a […]

Adoption Part 2


Pink Moss is running around chasing Mr. Handsome. He is fast Lightening fast! So this is what my “boy mom” friends always spoke of.  Boundless energy vs. Hormonal changes Now I get to experience both! On FRIDAY I posted this. I decided to fast all day Friday in hopes of clarity and help in making […]

Our Adoption: Part One


This story is so crazy to me, I have decided to write it in parts, six parts.  There were six days from start to finish in this story that changed all of our lives forever.   THURSDAY To begin, I have to give a little information on myself.  I came from a family of three […]

Motherhood- Something that doesn’t come Easily


Motherhood.   Something that doesn’t come to me easily.   But I have learned that Motherhood is a divine gift from God- no matter how one becomes a mother. My husband and I had been married 2 and a half years before I found out I wasn’t able to have children. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. I […]