Changing Your Focus


      I had the BEST conversation today with my good friend Shawna and I hope she is cool that I am sharing. She was feeling super stuck on her weight, the weight she was not losing but felt like she should be, her exercise and how discouraging it felt when her work out […]

Refuse to Sink- Our Sacred


    I saw this quote the other day on a post my cousin Gina wrote on her blog Birth Mother Baskets. For some reason it spoke not quietly to my heart, but shouted to the deepest part of it. I’d like to share why those words had a power over me and awakened my […]

Love Yourself There!


February is LOVE month, right?  Whether it is romantic love, friendship love, familial love, we celebrate LOVE!  We give Valentine’s Gifts and notes of appreciation and do heart attacks on people’s doors.  We create Valentine’s Boxes for school and a Love Note jar for home. We make pillows and banners and cookies and candies. L-O-V-E […]

8 Ways to focus on Healthy not Skinny


Guest Post from Tiffany Rudd over at I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we often judge health in our society strictly based on size and weight. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to get personal here for a minute to prove that it just isn’t true. 13 years ago, as a […]

3 Ways to create a Positive Self Image

positive self image

    The other day I was speaking to a room full of women. They varied in age from teenage girls to elderly women. Before I began my talk I asked each of them to close their eyes as I asked them 2 questions. They were instructed to raise their hand if the answer to […]

Six habits that will Improve any Relationship

Strengthen Relationship

    1. Tell people the good thoughts you have about them without reservation and in the moment. When I was in college, I went on a few dates with a boy named Jim. I don’t remember much about him other than the color of his hair, the type of car he drove, and the […]

8 Great Budget Friendly Activewear Sources

budget friendly workout-clothes

February; a whole month past January 1st. So how are your resolutions going? If your list included some form of getting healthier and/or more fit then you are not alone! It is the #1 resolution followed by getting organized and budgeting better. Let’s check all three of those off your list by providing cute, comfortable, […]

Why Journaling Promotes Healing

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      Hi, my name is Kallie and I am a journaling junkie.   It’s been said that “the written word is power” and through my journey I have come to believe this as a TRUTH!   I have been known to have a journal or two or ten. It’s my thing. It’s one […]

Two surefire ways to increase your holiday (and life’s) happiness!


      My advice… be thankful for a full tank of gas, and don’t go into model homes! Hear me out…   Tis the season for gratitude and that is more in your control than you think. Some of you may think, “But, you don’t know MY situation. You can’t possibly understand my struggles.” […]

Your Thanksgiving Miracle


      Everybody hears of Christmas miracles and anybody with an aching heart holds out for a Christmas miracle. You know? That kind of miracle that changes everything. It changes your situation. It changes your path. It changes your relationships. And it always changes you.   But what about experiencing a miracle before the […]