Finding Peace in the Chaos of Christmas

Peace at Christmas

      Last night my five year old finally convinced me to pull out all the Christmas decorations, and it is not even Thanksgiving yet! It is still a bit too early for me, but he has been asking since the day after Halloween so I finally gave in. Hoards of boxes came out […]

30 Minutes to a Happier, More Organized You!


Guest Post from Jenny Layton over at: 30 Minutes to a Happier, More Organized You!   It wasn’t more than two minutes after the kids left on the first day of school that my phone rang. A good friend was on the line, saying   “Jenny, help! I need to get organized!”   I seem […]

Cleaning Calendar Printable

Free Cleaing Calendar

Here it is my friends…. a simple cleaning regimen to help you stay on top of your house work without feeling overwhelmed. Just right click on your favorite image and save to your computer. Each image is an 8.5 x 11 so it is perfect to print from your own home. Simplifying is something I […]

Monthly Grocery/Menu Planning

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I have been working on this very subject for quite some time now. Every morning I wake up with BIG plans to cross off EVERYTHING on my to do list for that day. Problem is, by the time dinner time comes, I am so done for the day that if I could crawl into bed […]

Spring Clean those Pictures!


        Because I am a photographer, I have a lot of pictures. But, because I am a mom, I have a (digital) ton of pictures. This pile of digital pictures haunts me. I know that one day my children are going to ask for a picture to take to school for a […]

Paper Clutter Cure

paper clutter cure

One of my least favorite chores around my home is dealing with the paper clutter that is constantly coming in. I feel like the older you get the worse it gets, and I was losing the battle of keeping my countertop cleared. I tried a few different systems, and nothing was working. Inevitably I would […]

DIY Wedding Decoration

It’s a good thing April is Wedding month. I feel like my brain is still somewhat in wedding recovery mode from our own Laryssa’s wedding back in March. A popular item to rent from party rental places are pipe and drapes. They are commonly used for backdrops of receiving lines, buffet tables, ceremony sites, or […]

Organize your way to SAVINGS!

file coupons

Hey everyone! I am super excited to share some fun insights with you this month about spring cleaning your way to savings!!   To me, the most important part about starting your couponing experience has got to be the way you are organized.  Have any of you watched TLC’s Extreme Couponing?   You must know that […]


Brook Hammond

As I thought about this month’s topic of “spring cleaning”,  I let my mind wander while I cleaned out my purse.  Maybe I should rename my purse and, more appropriately, call it “luggage.”  I don’t believe in packing light as it did not serve me well on my only attempt, so I usually follow that […]

Simplified Cleaning. Keepin’ it Real!

simplify quote

I know I am not super women. Fact.   I wish I was. Dream.   I will never be super women. My TRUTH.    So let’s keep this REAL shall we-   My days go a little something like this…   Wake up waaaay earlier than my body wants to.  {Been up with the sick […]