Kunidup, San Blas Islands, Panama from therhouse.com

For the last 7 years, our money has had only one goal: infertility treatments and adoption costs.   We’ve held yard sales, opted to rent instead of buy our home, sold off cars and larger household items, started companies and been incredibly blessed by family and friends. Almost all the furniture in our home is […]

Pregnancy Pressures: Handling the 2 Week Wait.

Beautiful sporty woman

    When you’re trying to conceive, it sometimes seems like everyone around you is already expecting. You’re surrounded by moms pushing strollers and happy couples cooing over their newborns. It can be easy to feel frustrated. We understand. But the key to managing that envy isn’t suppressing it — it’s learning how to handle […]

What inspires you?


My husband and I suffer from infertility.   We were diagnosed in 2006. It was rough, brutal even. We walked out of the doctor’s office feeling defeated. We held onto each other in the parking lot and wept. We drove home feeling empty. We sat on the couch and cried and held each other some […]

Not ever knowing, but still inspiring.


How do you prepare yourself for a day like today? Tomorrow June 6th, will be my son’s first Birthday, only he will be celebrating in Heaven. This day last year was the last day of the so-called “normal” life that I would ever live. My last 24 hours of invincibility. Everything seemed so right in […]

Motherhood- My Journey


We have struggled with infertility issues for over 4 years.  After a year of “trying” and no baby we met with a fertility specialist.  I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) so he had us try a few different drugs to help with ovulation (which made me break out like CRAZY), but still no baby.  My […]

Motherly Attributes of the Heart


Motherhood.   It did not come easily to me. We battled infertility (infertility won) and then adoption won our hearts over. And over. And over.   Motherhood is not a sole pursuit in my world. It’s a title that I share with the three women who were mothers to my sons first.   My motherhood […]

Plan B~


I have someone very close to me going through one of the harder trials of her life at this very moment. She and her husband needed a little help in getting pregnant and after an expensive, painful, and humbling in vitro experience, they found out that they were happily expecting twins. About 8 weeks ago […]

Motherhood- Something that doesn’t come Easily


Motherhood.   Something that doesn’t come to me easily.   But I have learned that Motherhood is a divine gift from God- no matter how one becomes a mother. My husband and I had been married 2 and a half years before I found out I wasn’t able to have children. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. I […]

I am a Mother


Mother’s Day can be a dreadful one for those who have lost or long to have a child. For me, its just another reminder (as if there aren’t enough already) of the chubby cheeks I don’t get to kiss, the little hands I don’t get to hold, and the small voice that I don’t get […]

Strength doesn’t reside in having never been broken.


I am an infertility survivor. I am an adoptive mother. I am a hope advocate.   But hope in what? What do we hope for? What do you hope for? For me, I think what it boils down to is hope that we will have the strength we need to make it through whatever life […]