How I choose LOVE in the face of Tragedy-


Yesterday’s post went viral and with that comes the good, the bad and the UGLY. There were the me too comments, the heartfelt comments, and the comments that asked “how I could ever feel okay about what happened?” and those are the comments I want to address.   If there is one thing I have […]

Yesterday’s Junk


Have you ever felt like this? I’m going to be quite honest when I say my hands have been full of a lot, and I mean A LOT of junk lately. So much that I’ve felt like I’ve been filling pockets, purses, you name it…with junk. Yesterday’s junk. Heck, maybe even last year’s junk! I’m […]

Bravery in the face of Loss

brave graphic - face of loss

  Over the course of our almost 5 year marriage, the thought of losing my husband devastated me. Even with him sitting beside me, thinking that I could possibly lose him brought me to tears. The mere thought of having to live life without him, having to raise our son without him, having to move […]

The Right to be Called Brave

brave graphic - the right to be called brave

Guest Post by Natalie Barker         What does it mean to be “Brave” ? The simple answer would mean that you have and show courage. My soul stirred at this topic. Early in my life I had thought brave was synonymous to heroes, to those who braved the burning buildings or the […]

Not ever knowing, but still inspiring.


How do you prepare yourself for a day like today? Tomorrow June 6th, will be my son’s first Birthday, only he will be celebrating in Heaven. This day last year was the last day of the so-called “normal” life that I would ever live. My last 24 hours of invincibility. Everything seemed so right in […]

Time is a Gift


I will NEVER forget the night that changed the way I look at my children, motherhood and more importantly life in general. I will never forget those few short minutes that felt like an eternity.   “Please just take a breath.”   “Come on little guy, please just take a breath.”   “Oh please God do […]

Plan B~


I have someone very close to me going through one of the harder trials of her life at this very moment. She and her husband needed a little help in getting pregnant and after an expensive, painful, and humbling in vitro experience, they found out that they were happily expecting twins. About 8 weeks ago […]

The Miracle of Motherhood


The Miracle of Motherhood By Anna Golightly Jeffs “No matter how motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle”       Motherhood is MORE than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique […]

Unexpected Journey to Motherhood


The making of this mama has been a very unexpected journey.   I must admit, at the first sign of the pink line, I had piles and piles of books on pregnancy; you know the ones that tell you what to expect. Yep, I had those! We took Lamaze classes; you know to help with […]

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

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“There is, I am convinced, no picture that conveys in all its dreadfulness, a vision of sorrow, despairing, remediless, supreme. If I could paint such a picture, the canvas would show only a woman looking down at her empty arms.” Charlotte Bronte   I had a plan, as I’m sure most people do. I was going […]