8 Great Budget Friendly Activewear Sources

budget friendly workout-clothes

February; a whole month past January 1st. So how are your resolutions going? If your list included some form of getting healthier and/or more fit then you are not alone! It is the #1 resolution followed by getting organized and budgeting better. Let’s check all three of those off your list by providing cute, comfortable, […]

Finding Peace in the Chaos of Christmas

Peace at Christmas

      Last night my five year old finally convinced me to pull out all the Christmas decorations, and it is not even Thanksgiving yet! It is still a bit too early for me, but he has been asking since the day after Halloween so I finally gave in. Hoards of boxes came out […]

8 Ways to have the BEST Disneyland Vacation Possible!

Get Away Today

  I love travel, especially to the Disneyland Resort and am always keeping my eyes open for the best deals and tips. In all of my travels to the Disneyland Resort (at least once a year), I’ve collected what I think are the best ways to have the best Disneyland vacation possible – from pre […]


Kunidup, San Blas Islands, Panama from therhouse.com

For the last 7 years, our money has had only one goal: infertility treatments and adoption costs.   We’ve held yard sales, opted to rent instead of buy our home, sold off cars and larger household items, started companies and been incredibly blessed by family and friends. Almost all the furniture in our home is […]

Keeping Up with the Joneses


I live next to the Joneses. And they’re everywhere. On my right and my left and behind and down the block. They have expensive cars, perfectly manicured landscaping, exquisite moldings, custom window coverings, marble, iron, and tile from impressive places, and professionally installed twinkle lights at Christmas time. They’re the people who live in magazine […]

Top 7 things moms should know about Disneyland


Since the theme for the month of May is Motherhood (naturally) and I’m a Disney Travel Expert, I thought it would be fun to share the top 7 things ALL moms should know when taking a Disneyland vacation – no matter the age of your kids! I am looking forward to using these tips myself […]

Discount Disneyland Tickets !

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  Discount Disneyland tickets Info:   Are you wanting to plan a vacation to Disneyland and are looking for a deal? Or for those that missed this deal last time they had it! Get Away Today has a deal going on right now to get 5 day tickets for the price of a 3 day ticket. You […]

Strengthen Families through Vacations!


      When I think of the word “strength” I think of the things I need to strengthen. One that automatically comes to mind is strengthening the family. And, because I’m surrounded by travel /vacations every day in my profession, I firmly believe that a fantastic and probably the most fun way to strengthen […]

Monthly Grocery/Menu Planning

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I have been working on this very subject for quite some time now. Every morning I wake up with BIG plans to cross off EVERYTHING on my to do list for that day. Problem is, by the time dinner time comes, I am so done for the day that if I could crawl into bed […]

Top 12 ways to save money on Vacation!

12 Ways to Save Money

  Summer is here and that means summer vacation season is in full swing! Travel is my passion. I have been in the travel industry for nearly 12 years and I am always looking for ways to make travel more affordable, because the more I save, the more often I can go! I work for […]