How I choose LOVE in the face of Tragedy-


Yesterday’s post went viral and with that comes the good, the bad and the UGLY. There were the me too comments, the heartfelt comments, and the comments that asked “how I could ever feel okay about what happened?” and those are the comments I want to address.   If there is one thing I have […]

If I had a Magic Wand- The Power of Words Series

I sit, motionless, still reeling from the words I had just heard. The words ache in my ears. The tears don’t come just yet, but they are beginning to burn fiercely as they well up. Then, like a flood gate they flow, almost unending for days on end… The words, you ask? Confirmation. Science in […]

Words of Inspiration-Naomi Wolf Quote

Naomi Wolf quote

This quote was one shared this weekend at our BRAVE Retreat. Such a great reminder on what we can do as mothers to help our daughters LOVE themselves. For more ways to promote a healthy body image you can check out THIS post.

3 Simple Lessons to make Marriage Better


      “Mawiage.  Mawiage is what bwings us togedder today.”   I realize my audience consists of people who have been married, are married, want to be married, and don’t know if they want to be married.  Though those who don’t probably tuned these blog posts out a long time ago.  But let me […]

Motherhood is hard work.


I love being a mom.   But YOU GUYS, it is a pretty hard gig.   I prayed and pleaded and begged heaven for the opportunity of motherhood and even on my very worst day, I wouldn’t trade it. That said, let’s keep it real, shall we? Motherhood is hard work. It ain’t for sissies. […]

False Advertising


For Christmas last year, I did the majority of my shopping online. I had an infant baby and making it out to brick and mortar stores wasn’t really happening, unless I wanted to be like that lady on the news who made headlines for nursing her baby in the aisles of Target. I only had […]

Bravery in Reflection

brave graphic - bravery in reflection

  When I look in the mirror, I’m not always happy with what I see. I peer at my bushy eyebrows or my pudgy nose, and examine every blemish that managed to still break through- even though I am long past adolescence. But it’s more than that, I see through to who I am inside […]

Ways to Promote Positive Body Image

Promoting positive Body Image

    This is still a topic that is hard for me to talk about because I still haven’t managed to make total peace with the image staring back at me in the mirror. I still, try as I might, engage in some of the things I am going to talk about in this post. […]

This thing called Mommyhood


This thing called “mommyhood” is really something isn’t it? It’s just something.   One day it has you on top of the world and full of love, only to find yourself the next day flat on your back, staring up at the mountain of laundry waiting for you to conquer it, wondering if it will […]

Strong and Brave

brave graphic - strong & brave

Guest Post by: Shannon Lucas     My husband and I chose not to find out the sex of our first child; we wanted to be surprised at the birth, as every member of my extended family had been when welcoming a new baby into the world. Throughout the entire pregnancy I was convinced we […]